Thursday 13 March 2008

Now that a huge percentage of us has reached the exalted position that is retirement, we have many pitfalls to look out for .

Whatever happened to that great promise of "Freedom 55" - several years on and many dollars poorer the majority of us are feeling less -enchanted with this retirement dream and more driven than ever to become productive, valued and respected members of society.

For years we had been told that retirement would bring endless hours of leisure time for us to take those round-the-world cruises, buy the boat or the cottage by the lake where we could entertain our grandchildren. ( after or before our tennis match, was never clarified)

Now many of us find that our 30% income is not allowing for the cruise - the travel agent with no heart is asking for 100% of the price. The real estate woman whose children I taught and helped achieve their goals, annoying little people that they were, now wants me to raise my offer on the fly-infested cabin she calls a "rustic get-away"

Like most of us, I planned for my retirement, stashing away a small amount on a regular basis, investing in all the right places, participating in the company pension scheme and listening to "big folk" talk. Where did it all go wrong? Did no-one expect inflation and higher taxes or did the combination just spell out "higher expectations", which in turn became dream-stealers.

It's time to start the process, this rebirth that will not only free us from the chains of the established daily routine but also add to our paltry bank accounts. It's time to find opportunities for us too and thus avoid the scrapheap of life.


Marilyn Swanson said...

All of this makes a person think about what one should be doing NOW, to prepare for retirement.

GFranklin said...

Yes It is said that poeple work so hard for retirement, to end up as a greeter at walmart.

Wavecritter said...

"For years we had been told that retirement would bring endless hours of leisure time for us to take those round-the-world cruises, buy the boat or the cottage by the lake where we could entertain our grandchildren. ( after or before our tennis match, was never clarified)" This is a true and sad disallusionment...

Unknown said...

Girl, you hit the nail on the head. My boss and I were jokingly talking about being Greeters at Walmart in our next life--- ANYWAY... I am in a precarious position right now and am determined to find my way in Network Marketing... We can do it together..... Miss Julia

bleuet said...

It is scary to grow old if you do not have a stacked up bank account (which i do not have LOL).Even worse to think what happens to our children and grandchildren. It is time to wake up and find a plan that works. Great article. Silvia

Hans Regnier said...

We all seem to be experiencing the same.Many of us are near or in retirement.Maybe that's what brought us to Friendswin & Friendswin University!

John Raines said...

yes this is a toublesome issue facing many yesterday, today and in the future as well

Tess Anderson said...

One thing that has been said about the American people is that they are resilient. We here all have a dream and a vision. We are unstoppable. We are V.I.D.E.O.; We are FriendsWin & FriendsWinUniversity and we will move mountains. We will be victorious & conquer over all adversity. We're focused, determined, and most of all we are winners!

ask KL Brown1 said...

Life is funny, we go to work everyday to a place we would rather not be, just to make enough money to get by on, so we can enjoy our retirement years with our family and friends. Once we get there, we look back wonder why we didn't make and save more.
I'm so glad that God knows best, and as we trust HIM and not our circumstances, He will continue to guide us through life's trials.
Great article,
God Bless,
KL Brown

Hank Dunckel said...

It just goes to show you, don't follow what other people are doing or you will be just as bad of at the end of the day.

Maybe People should start looking for a second income to add to their retirement income when they retire.

Their are many oppertunties like Friendswin that offer extra income for the adverage Joe or Mary who could very well be the smartest thing they ever did in their life.

Hank Dunckel
Google Me Soon

Wyverex said...

Times, Finances, and perceptions change, I wonder where they will sit when I am at retirement

Ask Carole Percifield said...

Retirement can be a glorious time. It gives me time to reflect. You can spend time with friends and family.

It is to bad they didn't teach this stuff in school when we are younger so we could enjoy this time better. Or would we have listened?

Muddog357 said...

I am a few years from retirement but I can relate to this all.

mike jackson said...

Your right about retirement,its sad to say but you see more and more elderly people working these days just to pay bills let alone retire.

Thanks Michael Jackson

Bob Caine said...

Boy did you get that right. Way too many people are working well passed retirement. So much for all the planning.

'Digital" Don Hill said...

"Retirement" isn't so much a function of age as it is of income. Sadly, most of my generation was taught that financial security comes from following a "career path," working for a single employer and building up a pension that will eventually replace the steady income that the "job" provided. But economic factors have changed drastically as more and more people reach "retirement age," and as a result, most pensions don't permit you to maintain the same lifestyle. Although I've been "retired" for 3 years now, I continue to work - but now I do so as my own "boss' and in total control of my own financial destiny. Opportunities abound more than ever - it's just a matter of recognizing and acting upon them that will make the ultimate difference. For me, as it should be for all of us, the scrapheap is simply not an option.

Unknown said...

You are so right. This is exactly why you need multiple streams of income. It is sad but that one income just doesn't cut it anymore.

Kurt Mitchell said...

It's time to "think out side the box" as they say. You may have to re-think your retirement goals. There are still great opportunities for your cabin dream. Make it a cabin by the ocean. You can still find some real good deals on ocean front property in Costa Rica! Thats what I did. You can feel the sand in your toes and the sun on your face, away from the rat race here in the USA. Great post Aileen.

michael curry said...

Very well put it seems like none of the leaders of this country expected inflation...
Michael Curry - google me

Wavecritter said...

Now is the they say! :)

Unknown said...

The sad thing is a babyboomer turns age 54 every 8 seconds and will for the next 28 years!

Anonymous said...

I never even thought about retirement so Iam like alot of people Poorly fund and looking for something to do Great writen blog

Rhonda Olin said...

Retirement is something I'm looking forward to. As the saying goes, "Earn a Living Today while Building a Retirement for Tomorrow!"

Wavecritter said...

Avoiding the scarheap! Very Clever title

John High said...

Great Writing here! I write about similar things as well and I love the title. Couldnt agree more and as far as travel is concerned, you are right for the most part TA's only care about their fees. It is just wrong. You deserve a true dreamtrip. Go to my site and see for yourself. True Dreamtrips and no BS.
The Freedom Guy

Anonymous said...

Cool Beans! :)

Kann Do Girl said...

Hi Aileen, Great post and great food for thought. I recognize the 'boat' and I'm putting my life jacket together to be able to stay afloat for my 'dream' retirement. Who every knew!!